Friday, October 1, 2010







刚刚一面吃着楼下打包的pizza一面喝着最爱的可乐看着lz最爱提醒我看的公主嫁到的同时...警铃突然响起!!!看了快有30秒的时间....还不要停!!!原来大家早已不约而同的在门外站着...好奇为什么铃声不断....假厉害的台湾人锁上门讲着熟练的美国英文:must be some stupid cooking...然后就开门往外面走去....马来西亚人:拿件比较厚的jacket然后到外面去吧!...而我却不忘记拿钱包和手机..还告诉cheesang我们住的地方失火了!!随手拿了jacket..就自己暗笑地走到外面去!....在外面站了大概10分钟...有个职员一轮嘴跟前面的人解释...大家就各自返归!...最终是什么事...我想大家都不懂!..

刚来到的不懂第几天....在不得已的情况下和一群同乡+泰国仔到城市去....在一家电脑店里...假厉害的泰国人问了我的手机号码...一开始我还不好意识的说我可能会记错号码...当他试拨的时候真的拨不通....说我把9943说成9942....都不用紧...还是拨不通....一看...讯号超弱.......就假厉害的说:who ask u to turn on the 3g?我就在心里莫名其妙的说ha?不是原本就会有的吗?他就接着说你要用3g来干什么???我更莫名其妙!我就解释:上网啊!...再度假厉害:谁说一定要3g才能上网?2g也能上网!....我更觉得莫名其妙!就问我是哪一家电讯?就说是orange!....再度假厉害:orange的3g是其中一间最差的....我就说:可是不是听说蛮不错的吗?这一回是摇头+假厉害:im telling you this and you dont believe me....我就完全不想和他对话....一脸信他的话的样子....怎么会有那么假厉害的人....



  1. dat day in melb,my fren's place alarm rang too..
    oso say sure is someone cooking n open the door@@

    ur jia li hai thai fren is so mean..
    any frenly ppl u met over there?

    pick up ur england then.. :))
    my england oso no gud,so no go eat v joycey yg rock that u say,.

  2. england not good! lol... next time if the thai boy still bully you. FANTOI him!!!

  3. Just arrived .... do not know the first few days in the last resort in Thailand and a group of folks to the city to Aberdeen .... leave in a computer shop ... powerful Thais took my phone number. .. a good sense of the beginning I did not say that I might got the wrong number ... when he attempted to call time .... that I really unreasonable allocation of say 9942 to 9943 .... do not have to bear .. . or call barrier .... a look ... the signal to leave powerful ultra-weak ....... say: who ask u to turn on the 3g? in my heart I failed to understand that ha? not originally will it? he went on to say you want to use 3g to do??? I somehow! me to explain: the Internet ah! ... then resort extreme: Who says we must 3g to internet? 2g have access to the Internet!. ... I am even more baffled! to where I am a telecommunications? say that they are orange !.... another holiday bad: orange of the 3g is one of the worst .... I said: But is not listening pretty good you say? this time shaking his head fake is worse: im telling you this and you dont believe me .... I did not want to dialogue with him believe him .... look .... look how powerful people have so fake ....

  4. interesting translation....brilliant!
